Installation of Bishop Kee and Executive Council
On 22 July 2017, the Lutheran Church in Singapore (LCS) rejoiced and gave thanks to God for the installation of Rev. Terry Kee for his third term of four years as Bishop of LCS.
English First Service Retreat
Members of the English 1st Service had a thoroughly relaxing and enjoyable time in Changi during the 2 Day-1 Night retreat over the long Hari Raya Puasa weekend (25-26th June 2017). Participants Elizabeth, Ps Dhamodharan, Cathy, Peng Chye, Hilda, Amy, and Edwin and Mabel reflect upon how the retreat had impacted them.
The Augsburg Confession
31 October 2017 is the 500th year of Reformation when Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, formally resulting in the Reformation by way of the Augsburg Confession. Rev. Nick Singh explains why 25 June 1530, the day the Augsburg Confession was presented, may also be considered the birthday of the Lutheran Church.
Revival Prayer Meeting & Outreach - 18 Jun 2017
Led by bro. Vincent Raj and sister Kala Vincent, the Tamil congregation spent time in prayer for revival and outreach in the community.
Mother's Day Celebration - 14 May 2017
Families gathered in church for the service held in appreciation of Mothers on Mother's Day.
Annual Church Cleaning - 1 May 2017
Many young and old hands worked hard at cleaning the church on Labour Day.
Reformation: What Does It Mean For Us?
What has the sale of indulgences for both the living and dead have to do with paying full penance for our sins? Nothing. On Reformation Day (31 October), we remember Martin Luther's bold act of nailing his Ninety-Five Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, which thus birthed the church Reformation. Read Ps Eric Chan's engagingly written recount leading to this day in church history.
Teaching & Nurturing our Youths in the Word of God
Youth Director Pasang takes a serious hand in shaping and guiding the next generation to become adults with deep strength, love, and faith in God. He shares with you here how he does this by using Bible teachings and much God-given wisdom.
Tamil Service Mission Work 2012-2016
The years 2012 to 2016 were particularly busy years for the Tamil congregation, filled with abundant mission work throughout India and Singapore.