Teaching & Nurturing our Youths in the Word of God
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Youth. The time of life when one is between childhood and adulthood (maturity), and the stage where one can be most easily influenced unless guided by a steady hand.
And so it is that in LCOR, Youth Director Pasang takes a serious hand in shaping and guiding the next generation to become adults with deep strength, love and faith in God. He shares with you here how he does this by using Bible teachings and much God-given wisdom.
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In Matthew 28:18-20, our Lord Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples in all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age."
In the Old Testament, God commanded the Israelites to teach their children to obey the decrees and statutes of God and bring them up in the fear of the Lord.
Our Lord Jesus grew in wisdom, knowledge and stature in the favour of God and men. When he was twelve years old, his parents took him to the temple. He sat among the teachers in the temple court listening and asking them questions. Everyone who heard him was amazed by his understanding and his answers. (Luke 2:46-48).
Confirmation Class is in obedience to Christ's commission to teach everything. He has commanded us in an orderly and systematic way. Let me explain the process.
In Water Baptism, water is used to baptize a child in the name of the Triune God as our Lord Jesus has commanded. God's Word washes away the sin and gives the child new life. From the sins of unrighteousness, the child becomes a child of God in Christ's righteousness. The child receives the seal of the Holy Spirit in Baptism.
Just as a newborn needs nurturing and feeding of nutritious food for physical growth and development, so everyone born of the Spirit requires spiritual nurturing and feeding. Therefore, the Confirmation Class in the church tries to compliment what Christian parents nurture and teach at home.
The Confirmation Class is intentionally designed to instruct and equip youths with basic fundamental teachings of the Christian Faith.
The duration of the Confirmation Classes varies from church to church. In LCOR, we conduct the class over one year. We expound the main Christian beliefs in simple language for better understanding: Ten Commandments; The Lord's Prayer; Apostles' Creed; Sacraments (Water Baptism & Holy Communion); Distinctive of Lutheran liturgy; and more.
I want to thank God for the wonderful time of learning and sharing we had. The students were lively. They engaged in discussions, and freely shared their views and doubts on different subjects. Their ideas were appreciated, respected, taken seriously and dealt with carefully.
The students participated in skits, group projects, Youth Camps, Confirmation Retreat, Devotion, Prayer, and Christmas Outreach as part of learning and application. Some confessed their main highlight of the Confirmation Class was having "good food" to eat during classes!
The students chose Scripture passages that would inspire, encourage their faith and help them in their walk with God. These life verses were nicely printed, framed and presented to them during Confirmation Sunday.
In closing, I want to praise and thank God for each youth. It was such a joy and pleasure to teach God's Truth and promises of the Gospel to them. It is my prayer and confidence that they would continue to walk with the Lord faithfully in the Truth of His Word by serving, trusting and loving Him because He who began a good work in them is Faithful and Loving.
~ Pasang