Core Values of LCOR


 With the passage of time and constant changes in our lives, there may be certain spiritual values - once held firm and fast as they helped transform our lives - which have slipped into the recesses of our minds.

In a written message to the church flock in 2013, Rev. Lim Kim Hock highlighted on the core values of church. We reproduce his message as these values still stand true and dear to each of us, irrespective of time.

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 ⊕ Lordship of Christ (Col. 1:18; 1 Pet. 3:15) - Christ is exalted in our corporate worship and our individual lives.

Whatever we do, whether in word or deed, we do it all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. We do not do things according to our own will, but for His purpose and glory.

⊕ Gospel (Rom. 1:16) - the transforming power of the Gospel.

We believe in the transforming power of the Gospel to save and free us from sin and fear. Therefore, we proclaim the gospel from the pulpit and in the streets, and endeavour to channel all our resources to preach the gospel at home or abroad.

⊕ Next generation (Ps. 78:4-7; Acts 2:39) - importance of training our children.

We are filled with concern for our next generation, both our children and youths that they know and follow the Lord. We are aware of how vulnerable they are in the face of today's media, temptations and deceptions. Therefore, we cannot afford to neglect them. We need to start teaching them as early as possible.

Apart from giving priority to our Sunday School and Youth ministries, we also look ahead to train potential leaders through an Internship program.

⊕ Unity in diversity (Phil. 2:1,2) - in love, serving and prayer.

We are indeed thankful that God has brought so many of us together from different nationalities, culture, languages and backgrounds to serve our true and living God. Therefore, we endeavour to keep this unity in Christ through a love for one another, as we serve God and pray together. So, let us be considerate of each other, and use our different gifts and strengths to edify one another.

∼ Rev. Lim Kim Hock

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