Church Camp Retreat – English Contemporary Service

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Held from the 14th to the 17th June at the Amerin Hotel in Johor Bahru, the 2nd Service 4 Day-3 Night church camp was extremely well attended! In this excerpt, Ginny shares on the highlights of the retreat. You will also hear from some of the participants on how the camp had impacted them.

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We were blessed by the presence of camp speaker, Rev Aow Kwong Bu (Senior Pastor of His Arrow Church in Singapore) and his wonderful family. They used their multiple giftings to bless others in the family of God. Rev Aow's wife, Ps Mei Peng, and their daughter, Jessica, led the Children’s Ministry while their son, Johanan, helped to lead worship.

Many of us at the camp gained tremendously from Pastor Aow's sermons and sharing as well as the fellowship with our church brothers and sisters. It was evident that Ps Aow’s teaching is backed by his life experiences as it spoke deeply to all of us on the reality of God and His love and faithfulness to His children.

Camp Highlights

Showing appreciation

There was a particular event which created a deep impact on me. That was when Ps Aow had all the Pastors and ministry leaders of the church stand at the front while the rest of the church members went forward to thank them individually for their sacrificial service and giving to the church. 

Tears flowed freely as we hugged and thanked our Pastors and church leaders and conveyed our appreciation. It struck me then that this is something which we often forget to do as we conveniently take our church leaders for granted. It is always easier to grumble and complain about them than to remember them in our prayers and appreciate what they have done for the church and congregation.  Oh, Lord, may you have mercy and forgive us for our wrong attitudes. May we henceforth be mindful not to take our church leadership for granted.

Prayer and Marriage & Family Life Workshops

In the afternoon, we had two separate workshops: ‘Prayer’ (conducted by Auntie Jean) and ‘Marriage & Family Life’ (conducted by Uncle Hock Bee and Auntie Judy). There were many valuable lessons that we learned and can apply to our lives.

Reflections from Participants

Jean Wong

Rev Aow’s messages moved many to tears (and hopefully action). The unique feature of this camp was that Rev Aow’s whole family served. His wife, Ps Mei Peng, was in charge of the children ministry. Daughter, Jessica, was such a blessing to her mother in the children ministry. Son, Johanan was a great worship leader and sang prophetically for the adult sessions. Such humble and faith-filled children.


I felt that the main purpose of the camp was achieved ie. to enhance the relationship between the LCOR members and God as well as a greater bonding amongst members of LCOR through the games and having meals together. The message was well delivered, for example, the lesson on giving tithe and offering.  The camp has helped me learn to get closer to God. We had some lessons with Pasang where he showed us a movie on loving unconditionally. God so loves us no matter what our past may be. 

Lina Wong

My children loved the church camp children’s program. I was also amazed by how well Mrs Aow, Johanan and Jessica managed a motley crew of children (from teens to tots). It is certainly a reflection of God’s love for his people – selfless, unceasing and ever so kind. Thank you so much to all who curated the kids' program which culminated in a sassy, spirited song and dance on the last day. It confirms that the body of Christ can indeed be a caring, loving and fun bunch!


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